
$28,000 in Combined Scholarship Gifts Were Awarded at 2024 Annual Meeting
Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative granted $28,000 in combined scholarship gifts to 50 high school seniors at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Scholarships will be awarded by random drawing at 2025 Annual Meeting. All qualified and registered high school seniors in attendance will be awarded either a $2,000, $1,000 or $750 scholarship. Recipients will be selected at random during Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative's 2025 Annual Meeting. Students must be present to win.
Who is eligible for the scholarships?
Dependents of member-owners and employees of Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative are eligible and must meet the following criteria:
Must be a U.S. citizen
Must be a senior in high school for the 2024-2025 school year and planning to enroll in a full-time undergraduate or graduate course of study at an accredited two-year college, university, or vocational school​
Please contact Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative at 800.225.4532 with any questions.
$1,000 Basin Electric Scholarship
Dependents of member-owners of Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative are eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship to be provided by Basin Electric Power Cooperative and Corn Belt Power Cooperative, wholesale power suppliers of Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative.
The scholarship program is designed to encourage and recognize the achievements of a student living on electric cooperative lines. The scholarship must be used for educational costs and the student must enter college in the fall of the school year for which the scholarship is given. The applicant must be a student who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time graduate or undergraduate course of study at an accredited, two-year or four-year college or university or vocational/technical school.
This scholarship is awarded without regard to other awards, loans or financial assistance the applicant may have obtained. Award of the scholarship is based on the following criteria: SAT/ACT scores, grade point average, work experience, participation in school and community activities, a statement by the student explaining his/her educational and career goals and a written recommendation by a third party.