What equipment are you, our member-owners, responsible for?
Transformer poles, meter loops, wires and breaker panels - who is responsible for what? When storms damage equipment, its good to know who is responsible for maintenance and repairs of your electric service.
Overhead Electric Service
Cooperative's Responsibility
Member-owner's Responsibility:
Wires from the transformer to the meter pole and electrical connections on those wires.
The meter pole, guy wires, ground wires and ground rods.
The meter.
The meter loop, including the meter socket.
Fuse and/or breaker panels including disconnect switches.
Wires leaving from the meter pole to services at other locations/buildings and connections for those wires.
Underground Electric Service
Cooperative's Responsibility
Member-owner's Responsibility:
Wires running from the transformer to the meter location and the connections.
The meter.
Wires running from the meter location to other locations and those connections.
The meter socket and mounting panel.